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The Advantages of Living in a Modern Tropical House in the City

August 13, 2020
Lead Ayala Heights House Patio 5 (with Watermark)

The COVID-19 pandemic made people chase farms and villas in faraway provinces just to “sway away” from the virus’ risks. Although, the recent reports clearly show that the virus knows no distance as the virus continuously spreads to other places in the country. We, as city dwellers know that the real weapon in this crisis is prevention. That is why living in a spacious tropical house in the city might be a good idea for some city-loving people out there. Listed here are the advantages of living in a tropical house in the city


Free Shipping or Cheap Delivery Fee

Kseniia Ilinykh 62jnerv7jw4 Unsplash

Because of the risks of being infected in crowded malls and grocery stores, online shopping has been the norm for the past months. Many rely on online applications for their daily needs, food, paying their utilities, etc. In Metro Manila, we experience the perks of having cheaper delivery fees than that of far provinces. This is because we are in the center of commerce, where products and goods pass through.

Accessible to Top Universities

Up Ateneo

Prominent families living on the outskirts of Metro Manila usually send their children to the city to study. This is because known schools like the University of the Philippines and ATENEO are located here. Buying properties near these schools would be a great investment because there is almost always someone looking to buy or rent.

Accessible to a Variety of Hospitals 

St. Lukes Medical Center Quezon City


It will always be smart to live a few minutes away from the hospital. During the critical stages of our lives, for instance, giving birth, accidents, heart attack, etc., time is very important. Because time is relative to the chances we have to survive. And one of the perks of living in the city is the distance from top hospitals of the country.

Spacious Open-Spaces

Lead Ayala Heights Living 2 (with Watermark)

City living has the impression of having to live in claustrophobic spaces, where there are little privacy and small cramped homes. And this is where modern tropical homes come in. These homes prevent such things from occurring by providing open spaces with plants, high-ceilinged living rooms, and wooden glass designs to give that feeling of release. It is set as the sanctuary in the middle of a crowded city to relieve homeowners from stress and anxiety.

Living with Nature

Lead Ayala Heights House Exterior 2 (with Watermark) (1)


The benefits of living with nature are countless. Although to name a few, plants purify the toxins in the air we breathe, relieve us from mental tensions, and give us the overall feeling of happiness. And the role of living in a tropical home in a modern city is actually to counteract the negative pressure from this fast-paced city we live in.

Even with the high rate of COVID-19 cases in the city, many of us can’t help but bear with it and prepare for what’s next. The truth is, whether you’re far from the city or in it, the worse will strike once you let your guard down. As they say, “If you can’t stop the wave, surf on it.”


Live in your dream Modern Tropical Home located at Ayala Heights, Quezon City. It has EXACTLY the perks listed above. Hurry and Contact us now.

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