8 Practicing Self- Care Tips During These Trying Times
We all go through that time wherein we feel powerless and exhausted. We are not even doing physical work but it seems that we are tired inside and out. When things like these arise, here are some breather activities to do to recover yourself.
Write Your Thoughts in a Journal
Whether the journal is completely narrative or simply listing down, it keeps track of the things that transpired throughout the day. This journal will help you recall the challenges that you’ve faced. It will remind you what you overcame, and that the present challenges are as manageable.
Write 10 Things you are Grateful For
Reminding ourselves of the things that we have would help our overall happiness. And this happiness would lead to increased motivation, confidence, and spirituality.
Do Some Yoga
After engaging your mind, now is the time to engage your body. Yoga is known globally because of its benefits that excludes fatigue from strenuous exercise. It improves flexibility, increases muscle strength and tone, and improves respiration.
Do a Pamper Night
Having a routine pamper night would not only make your skin healthier but it could also add confidence and improve your overall well being. To do the process thoroughly, people usually start off with a bath with essential oils and body scrubs. It is then followed by the application of the skincare routine after cleansing the body and face. The process might be different for each person, but one thing is similar, it boosts psychological health.
Listen to Podcasts
Podcasts are free entertainment. It lessens the boredom of doing mindless repetitive chores. But what most people don’t realize is, listening to podcasts also influences our way of thinking. It teaches, gives new creative ideas, and inspires us.
Dress Up for No Reason
Dressing up for no reason may be more reasonable than we might expect. Many studies have found that the way we dress affects our overall thinking. It makes us more confident. This confidence self-empowers us which promotes critical and creative thinking. Thus, when facing difficult situations, dressing up would add to that sense of self-trust.
Drink Green Tea daily
There are several studies published regarding the effect of drinking tea on mental health. And a lot of those prove that drinking tea daily has a good correlation to having a healthy body and mind. Drinking green tea could lower the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. Aside from this, it has been proven that drinking at least half a glass of tea every day lowers the risk of getting depression and dementia.
Schedule a Video Call Sesh with your Family or Friends
When living alone, it could get very tough getting by during self-quarantine. Therefore, scheduling a video call with friends or family could help keep your sanity. Also, it’ll motivate you to be hopeful in fighting the present crisis.
Practicing self-care during these trying times is not selfish. We are only humans that seek sanctuary when placed into a critical situation. When experiencing such, it wouldn’t hurt to take a break once in a while.