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An Interview with a Property Coordinator

February 17, 2020
Property Coordinator

The Real Estate industry is booming. The income. The rewards. The beauty of the corporate world. What’s not to like? Perhaps you have heard of property coordinating, or maybe not. But if you aspire to ride on with the fun of the real estate industry, this may be your one-way ticket to success.


What is a Property Coordinator?

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It is the training ground for aspiring business persons in the industry. Generally, you present yourself in front of clients and business partners. You organize listings, contacts, and every other document essential for handling clients. You’re like a strategist, listening to the client’s concerns then brainstorming with them on the best actions to partake in order to achieve a common goal—provide them with their real estate needs.

To help you grasp a clear view, here are some Q&A with our very own Seasoned Property Coordinator.

Interviewer: Generally speaking, what do you do on a daily basis?

PC: During mornings, I start by organizing and listing down what I have to accomplish for the day. Do I have to meet someone? Do I have to do viewing on a particular property?

Then when the day is set, I market the properties that are very hot on the market… and also those which need a little push.

When there is a potential client, I listen to what they have to say. If they’re looking for a home, an office, in what location, and the like. I then connect the dots. Problem-solving on what they need and what they didn’t know they need. And then matching them with the perfect property. It’s very satisfying, really.

How is it like being a PC?

It’s very fulfilling… It’s fun. I get to meet people from different walks of life (such as) foreigners, CEOs, young professionals, seasoned businessmen, celebrities, and people of different ages. And a few of them get to be my friend. Some even became my senpai who taught me life-long learnings.

Any unforgettable experience as a Property Coordinator?

Not specifically, though I’m really happy when a client of mine goes abroad and brings me a bunch of pasalubong… (*laughs)… Some even offered to pay me tips, which I declined… the job itself is rewarding already.

That’s really nice!

I know!

Okay, for my last and most important question, how’s the pay?

They give me a fair sum of basic pay. Plus, as property coordinators, we receive A LOT of bonuses, incentives, and recognition. Not to mention, regularization of as early as 3 months. Pero most of all, the company gives me travel incentives, which is my favorite.

That’s great! Can you say a quick message or tips to aspiring PCs out there?

To all aspiring Property Coordinators there, if you want to REALLY make it in life… This is your chance. I’m so lucky to have met my team and my mentors here. They shaped me, motivated me to be better every day. All it took was discipline and initiative… And to really put your heart in achieving your goals.

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