Are you Ready for the New Normal?
Are you Ready for the New Normal?
How The LEAD Realty Quickly Adapt and How You Can Face this Headstrong
The term “new normal” has been circulating the web lately. It refers to changes in the way we will live after the lockdown. While people are hopeful to see it end, we start to be wary of our source of income, food, and other necessities. We all start to find ways to resume our work and daily living even with the pandemic still at hand. Now, we face the possibility that our normal will not be what we might expect going back. It is important that we adapt to the situation as quickly as possible. How did The Lead Realty adapt to these challenges?
Work from Home
During the first week of the lockdown, work from home plan was immediately put into action. While many businesses are closed or non- operational during the past few weeks, the Lead is full- on with its online operations creating a system that would unite us as one while being physically apart.
Digital Business
Businesses that rely on physical selling to people for income will get its market elsewhere. While a change in platform is the reality for many businesses, Lead Realty has been doing digital business from the beginning. Our online marketing strategies are being polished regularly, to ensure that we are up to date with the changing trend. As our core values reflect, P-assion, I-nnovation, E-xcellence, we make sure that it is backed up by results. And by saying results, we mean by sales results. Passion brings you to Innovate, and when you Innovate and target for Excellence, results will show.
Pro- Employee Approach
The crisis left us all mentally exhausted from the problems arising with it. Putting this in mind, we created a system to successfully resume most of our employees’ work hours using their available resources. We continue to empower each employee by giving online training and webinars to help them be productive and stay course on their goals even though there’s a challenge along the way. Award, Reward, and Incentivize approach is being continued even during the lockdown. This is to put the morale of our people up and make them realize that their hardwork still pays off and will be paid off. “We’re happy to say that even during these challenging times, we have promoted some employees who showed their hardwork and results. And as their employer, we didn’t think about the situation to delay their growth. They deserve it, they earned it. And so, we have given them what they deserve.”, says CEO of The LEAD Realty, Reese Meana.
Virtual Hangout
One of the unique and innovative ways The Lead has done is what we call Virtual Hangout. It was created so as to align every one of our updates and upcoming events via conference calls. This is where we check on each other and our time to. We do our usual office chats and get together- virtually. This new normal may seem awkward, seeing ourselves face to face virtually but this would be definitely not just the trend for the coming generation but would be a part of the new normal setup we’ve been talking about.
This is our hands-on approach to ensure the quality of our services. We make sure that there is weekly one-on-one mentoring with our employees. This will improve their understanding of the real estate industry and their scopes in their own department. As they say, “Investing in employees is a smart business decision to make.”
New Work Structure
As the government keeps on updating us on new rules daily or weekly, one thing is very clear- we should maintain social distancing as we all go back to our offices. But how do we do it if our work in the office requires physical contacts, meetings, viewings, and all? This is a challenge for many of us. While some cannot avoid the reality that social distancing is not applicable for their business, we in Lead find ways to make social distancing, atleast, a temporary thing while we haven’t found medication or a vaccine yet. As we go back to our office, adapting the skeletal workforce system, shift hours, reduced work hours, and maintaining the right percentage of the work from home system as our new normal, social distancing could be put into practice.
Though our new reality might be way different from what we all used to do, some of our traditional ways will be overruled by new ways to cope up with our current situation. This pandemic has definitely changed everything. And the best way for us to maintain our game is not by changing our goals but by changing our ways on how it should be. Are you ready for the new normal? Join the Lead’s new chapter as we face it this #MightyAndBright2020. Together, we are strong.