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Calls for Mass Testing Emerge as 2nd Wave is Likely to Happen

June 1, 2020
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Posts of netizens online call for mass testing as GCQ has been implemented nationwide today, June 1. This worried the netizens as many surged to the mall to shop after being at home for a long time. Thus, began the call for mass testing.

Mass testing was done in several countries such as China and South Korea. This was performed to eradicate the virus that is capable of fast transmission.  And now that the possibility of acquiring the virus for the second time, many are worried that by having softer rules, a second wave might hit our country. However, according to Presidential Spokesperson Harry Duque in his statement regarding mass testing, “Wala pong bansa sa buong mundo na tinetest ang lahat ng kanilang mamamayan. Kaya nga po mali ang terminong mass testing.” Mixed reactions emerged from this statement by Duque since citizens are anxious about the current events that are transpiring.

That is why, with or without mass testing, here are some ways we can prevent the 2nd wave.

How to Prevent the Second Wave

Stay at Home

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This is the most important thing to do during the pandemic. We all see posters, statements by influential people using different media to encourage everyone to stay at home. With the frontliners fighting to save numerous lives, this is the thing that we can offer to help them. Staying at home leads to a lesser number of positive COVID-19 patients.

Now that the MECQ is at bay that we must, especially, distance ourselves. Outside, in the market or mall, people are going about their lives thinking that the lockdown end is near. Frankly, we are far from over as the number of new cases continuously increase.

Have a Family Strategy and Set of Rules

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Gather your family members and discuss strategies whenever someone needs to go out. Simple rules like keeping the door open and clearing the path up to the bathroom. This way, the person who needs to go out doesn’t need to touch doorknobs.

Another is having sanitation areas near the entry and exit point of the house. It is never a doubt that practicing proper hygiene especially hand wash hygiene could save us from acquiring the virus. It is proven that washing your hands with the appropriate amount of time and correct sequence, germs and bacteria would die. 

Also, sanitizing the things that came in contact from the outside is a must. Whether these are groceries or your phone, always ensure that you would sanitize them by wiping tissue with alcohol onto these things. Opting to immediately wash the used clothes from outside is also as important. People acquire the virus even without contact from person to person but also from the objects handled by other people.

Pray for the World

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God is the most powerful being. Remember to always pray for the wellness of everyone especially the frontliners as they sacrifice their lives to save the people in need. Pray for the COVID-positive patients that they may improve their well-being immediately to help them return home to their families safely. Lastly, pray for our government as they face the biggest responsibility of leading us.

Hopefully, mass testing (or any other synonymous terminology they find suited) would be implemented soon before we experience another 2-month long lockdown. But for now, let us all do our part, however small that is, to save lives.

Stay safe, healthy, and strong, Lead Realty cares.

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