Celebrating the Labor Day for our Frontliners
More than a century ago, when our forefathers fought for fair working conditions. Today, we reap those privileges that Filipinos before 1903 barely have. From an average of 70-hours a week, work hours dropped to 40 hours a week. This has been the first step to the many more pro-worker policies that progressed through the years.
At the present, where we are protected by our laws and no war is amongst our nation, comes the COVID-19 pandemic. We are all caught off guard while our frontliners fought their way to serve amidst the crisis. We locked ourselves in the safety of our homes while our frontliners fought vulnerable and exposed to all kinds of shortcomings. We slept for long hours every day while some medical staff struggled to cover the undermanned shifts. We face a silent war but it doesn’t mean that many aren’t struggling.
How to Show Support for our Frontliners?
Stay at Home
The fewer people affected, the less there are to look after. Let’s not add to the growing number of positive cases and do our fair share of discipline. Going out only for food supplies will lessen the risks of transmission.
Be Cooperative
If mass testing is to take place in your area cooperate and answer questions with whole honesty. Some people who denied going overseas or have made contact with people from abroad have infected medical practitioners with the virus.
If Sick, Self Quarantine or Call Medical Help
If COVID symptoms are experienced, instead of rushing to the hospital, self-quarantine or call a medical professional for telemedicine. This could safeguard some vulnerable individuals at the hospital. If going to the hospital is a must, self-assess the risks of infecting others. Inform the hospital before doing so.
In this pandemic war, our soldiers are our health providers. Let us equip them with our love and support as they face the frontlines against the unseen enemy.