Filipino Christmas Practices That We Should Improve On
We Filipinos enjoy Christmas more than all the holidays combined. How so? Malls, offices, and tourist destinations put in the grandest of dancing lights and parol’s during this time of the year. Children go out at night to sing Christmas carols from door to door. And the Christmas parties. Those non-stop Christmas parties from the work, to the group of friends, to the relatives in one side to the other, and the list goes on. Amongst all the lights and the gatherings, not to be a KJ, but perhaps we have overlooked the bad things Christmas brought us. And so I listed these potentially wrong things that I see during Christmas.
Godparents Are Not Gift Milking Factories
“Bless ka sa ninang mo para bigyan ka din” said my mother one Christmas day to the six-year-old me after I saw my older sister receiving 100 pesos from our “ninang” or godmother. What’s wrong with this setting, you ask? Well, other than doing this polite gesture (bless or mano) for the sake of receiving money, our culture “obligates” godparents, uncles, aunts, and all the working adults to give gifts during Christmas. Yes, Christmas is about giving. However, we should not look forward to Christmas for the sake of material things.
Overspending during Christmas is when 13th-month pay and bonuses are gone in a month. There’s nothing wrong with spending big for ourselves once in a year but if it means going bankrupt or having debts the year after, maybe it’s time to change this Filipino attitude.
New Everything
New shoes. New clothes. New bags. We have this need to buy new things during Christmas. Again, nothing wrong with this as long we don’t overdo it. Before spending on these things ask yourself, do I need these new shoes or do I still have that great shoes from a few months? Why not give out to the poor? Besides, Christmas belongs to the poor. All year round we have been buying things for ourselves. Why not reach out to those who are in need instead?
Fats and alcohol
Aside from celebrations and gifts, what we look forward to during Christmas gatherings are the fatty foods and those inuman sessions. That is why during this season comes the prevalence of atherosclerosis, diabetes, and stroke. Also during this season is the occurrences of numerous drunk driving incidents and other related accidents. It is important to have moderation because danger doesn’t have holidays like we do.
The True Spirit of Christmas
Christian or not, the birth Jesus is being celebrated all over the world. Each one has their own interpretation of the true meaning of Christmas. There is giving. There is compassion. There is faith. Though for me, Christmas means home.
As Marjorie Holmes said, “At Christmas, all roads lead home.” Our generation today is so quick-tempered. We want to travel, experience things, meet new people, and be far from home. But maybe that’s why Christmas is made—so that we’ll learn to look back. And after all the chaos of our adventures that the year gave us, we can finally find our way home.
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By: Jel Vinculado