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Horticultural Therapy

September 9, 2020
Horticultural Therapy 01

The Therapeutic Benefits of Taking Care of Plants

The pandemic changed the way we live our lives. It has made us choose alternatives over the regular work shifts and work environment. It has made us rely on technology and the internet more than ever. Although with the new normal comes a new set of challenges. The challenge to evolve ourselves or else be beaten to the ground. We face the fear of confinement, growing financial losses, inadequate resources, lack of medical means, and many more. In these trying times who do we seek help when we are all incapacitated. What can we do to unwind from the stress of our changing world?


We go back to nature.

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Nature is our home. For many years, humans have overcome many crises by understanding nature, by cultivating nature into something we need. And today is not so different. Nature could give us far more than we think it can. Thus, the creation of Horticultural Therapy. It is the therapeutic benefits of taking care of plants. Yes, even in the comfort of our homes, indoor plants could help us out.

The Science of Horticultural Benefit

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Horticultural Therapy has shown promising results from a handful of scholarly articles. One of which is the study that significantly decreased stress levels and improved physical functional ability in the elderly and with mental health problems. The study showed decreased cortisol levels, the stress hormone after the elderly group participated in the Horticultural Therapy Program.

The Benefits of Horticultural Benefit

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This therapy is widely used today because of its effectiveness and affordability. It is successfully used to treat depression, anxiety, and other mental and behavioral problems. Aside from these, horticultural therapy also increases overall life satisfaction and well-being.

The benefits of having a household plant alone are countless. One of which is purifying toxic gases found released by common household products such as detergents, insecticides, and wall-paint. Plants also decrease the chance of having Sick Building Syndrome which is common in closed air-conditioned houses. Headaches and Respiratory problems are lessened by the big factor of having even just two indoor plants per room.

Take part in the growing community of indoor plant enthusiasts. To know the well-suited plant for your household, DM your messages at our Instagram page at Oh, Leaf PH.

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