How to be Consistent with your New Year’s Resolution
Another year has passed and another set of new year’s resolutions are listed. Whether it is to lose weight, to be more productive, or to finish that book, it is always not easy to accomplish that new year’s resolution.
They say the difference between a successful person and not is that successful people act on the idea. Therefore, we must act on our goals now. But how do we stick to that list all-year-round?
Make SMART Goals
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. We hear the SMART goals in business meetings and inspirational talks. But how do we know when the goals we set adhere to this?
First, we separate the Long Term Goal (LTG) from the Short Term Goals (STG). Now, Long Term Goals could be as broad as possible. For example, “I am going to travel abroad this year.” While Short Term Goals are the steps you take towards your LTG and are the ones that abide by the SMART goals. For example, “I am going to save not less than 3,000 pesos a month within 10 months,” and “I am going to book a ticket to Japan by May.” Just make sure that the STGs are attainable to not be discouraged along the way.
Make a Routine
Make a detailed schedule for the day. For instance, the goal is losing weight. So we start our day working out for 30 mins, eating breakfast, then showering, and so on. Sticking at this routine will give structure for the day and would help us manage our time and energy.
Routines are important in making habits. Sooner or later, working out in the morning would be automatic for us. All we have to do is keep faith in the routine.
Do and believe your routine because a task done over and over again will soon be a Habit. And habits are hard to break because habits are the learned ways of doing things that unfold automatically. Therefore, we either create good or bad habits.
Habits together with internalized roles that we set for ourselves make up the habituation. It is how we act or what we do, given a specific circumstance, place, time, or people. Examples of some of the habits we do are brushing teeth, taking a bath, etc. These are the things that we don’t really use our energy thinking about how to do because we just do it automatically.
Last but not the least, reward yourself. Positive reinforcement will increase motivation and boost morale. Good luck and stay focused!
New goal? Get your dream house. Turn this dream into real-time goals this year and we’ll help you through it. Leave us a message here.
Written by: Jel Vinculado