How to Stay Positive During Coronavirus Crisis
The outbreak in the country is rapidly spreading. And we all can’t help but be overwhelmed by what’s online. People are blaming each other. Government agencies saying different things. And groceries are swept because of panic buying.
In this digital age, information is scattered everywhere, unauthorized or not, we come across all kinds of posts and memes. And while there are lots of them that might affect our thinking and could probably cause anxiety, here are 3 things to do to retain that positive vibe amidst the crisis.
Appreciate the Little Things
Focus on the little things that you like about your day. Like that sweet cup of coffee as you wake up. It may also be the time you spent with your loved one/s at home. These little things that make you happy may help pump up that serotonin which would be helpful in fighting certain diseases.
Be Productive
Choosing to be productive everyday leaves no time for negative thoughts. Do the hobbies that you are busy to work on during regular days. Being busy would channel your energy to other things rather than overthinking about the current situation.
Go by the Right Information
List down things that make you scared. Some of these things that make us scared may be true but it is not the whole picture. Research to rebuttal the negativity and turn it into a positive one. For instance, when some places in the Philippines have slow response to the crisis some would overthink this information and turn it into a full blown hate post. However, researching alternatives that other countries do might make the air more positive which is a win-win for both parties. So be open on other’s perspectives.
Exercise Regularly
They say that exercise makes you happy. It’s true and definitely not a myth. When you get your body moving and your blood flowing, it releases a chemical called endorphins which makes you feel good. A Lot of stationary exercises are available online. Online fitness activities are made available thru social media. You don’t have to go out just to lose that extra pounds that hit you during the two weeks in quarantine.
Mute Negativity
After deciding on following certain credible sites to keep you informed on the current news, mute the ones who share fake news and incites further fear. By unfollowing or muting certain people or pages, you are taking away the power from them to spread negativity to you. Although, be critical on whom you follow and unfollow. Unfollow them not just because they think differently from you but because they create fear or spread fake news.
Keep the Faith
In times like this, our faith is tested. While some may question God on why things like these are happening, it is better for us to hang on and keep the faith. Focus on the good thing this may signify, like a rest for our mother earth from all the air and noise pollution or it could be a chance for us to reflect on the blessings we have at home and all that surrounds us. Just remember that, God is watching. And that this too shall pass. So keep that faith!
Remember, not all positive things are the truth and not all negatives are lies. Sometimes the truth might hurt but it gives you the power to see from another’s perspective. And by seeing the whole picture, you make an informed and positive decision. In this time of crisis, positivity is a choice.