Lead Realty Gives a Helping Hand
The Lead Helping Hand Charity was put into reality last December 5, 2019. This envisioned project aims to reach out to people in our society who most need it. The Lead Realty did its very first charity event for its sponsored orphanage and child-caring institution—the Virlanie Foundation at Makati City. The Lead team gave affection, fun activities, and basic necessities by hosting an event for the babies of Virlanie aging 1-4 years old. Reaching out to 23 neglected and abandoned toddlers, the team did its best to fill in the love these children badly needed even just for a Thursday afternoon.
Virlanie Foundation
The team encourages everyone to donate or even spend time with these longing children of Virlanie. The Foundation which is the largest non-sectarian child caring institution in the metro up to date follows the seven pillars of intervention. First, preventing neglect of children in communities by supporting family development. Second, reaching out to children in the streets. Third, helping children in their care to have a family of their own who would foster a sense of belonging and identity to them. Fourth, giving comprehensive healthcare for all children and families in the communities and in the Virlanie Homes. Fifth, proving education and special rehabilitation programs for all. Sixth, before these children come of age, they provide training and livelihood programs to help in their successful integration to society. Lastly, they advocate the empowerment of children by promoting children’s rights for inclusivity.
As of the moment, the Virlanie Foundation is taking care of more than 400 children in its 12 homes and another 800 through their outreach programs. They are now 27 years in service to more than 22,000 individuals, and hopefully more.
Our advocacy
As the company successfully flew through its first major year, it embedded in its yearly mission to give back to the most vulnerable individuals in our society. The Lead Realty gives a big thanks to their loyal clients who partnered with them this year. “As you, our partners, are part of the team who lead the mission of lending a helping hand for these children.” –The Lead Team