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Moving to Our New Home. The Lead Realty is Growing!

January 19, 2021
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They say there is no growth without change. Change is that inevitable factor many are wanting while fearing at the same time. And sooner or later, growing companies would need to face a big change. The change of moving to a new office to have better upgrades, larger space, and a step closer to its goals.

More than 2 years of helping people find their soulmate homes. Today it is time for us to find our home. Before the ending of this year, we would like to welcome 2021 with a great upgrade for ourselves and the people we serve. Through this major upgrade, we have moved our office from Uptown Bonifacio to High Street South Corp. Tower 1, BGC. A location that is closer to the heart of Fort Bonifacio and radiating towards our beloved homecourt. Since it is at BGC where we started, it is at BGC that we would grow and prosper.

With this new office comes a new beginning. New memories with our people, new challenges, and new opportunities. We now present to you, the newfound home of Team Lead! 


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Let us know your thoughts on our new home office!

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