Observing Holy Week at Home While in Quarantine
As a nation composed of mostly Catholics, Holy Week has been embedded in our culture. And for the first time in many years, not many will have the privilege of celebrating our yearly practice as Christians. Holy Week is the time when we commemorate the suffering and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And we may not have the chance to attend the liturgy, there are still ways to commemorate the week-long journey of Christ.
Setting a Time for Prayer
Setting a time every day for prayer is one way to build our relationship with God. Through prayer, one can realize many things that can’t be learned through books such as gratitude, forgiveness, and peace of mind.
Live Streaming the Mass
We might not have the feel of the Holy Water, the taste of the bread and wine during Holy Communion, or just be physically present along with the rest but we can still get the to hear and see the words of the Lord virtually. There are plenty of sites and channels which air the mass from different parishes across the world. What is important is we understand and absorb the message.
Reflecting helps us contemplate our actions and thoughts. It leads to increased self-awareness. In having a better understanding of ourselves, we learn to realize our past mistakes and, therefore, have the power to decide who we want to be.
Spiritual Reading
Being reminded of the Gospel once in a while would make us live with humility and compassion. Also, reading the Bible gives spiritual healing to those who need it the most. As it comforts those who are restless and gives hope to those in despair. And in this time of crisis, what we need is a calming spirit to guide us.
Donating Online
Action speaks louder than words. Hence, in donating we embody Christ’s by being the helping hand for the people most affected by the crisis.
The Corona Crisis during the Holy Week might be a challenge for us Catholics but may we be reminded that the greater challenge lies with the poor and vulnerable. Hopefully, the Holy Week would remind us all to do kindness just as how Christ would.