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Practicing Safety from Covid-19 During Home Quarantine

March 19, 2020
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The rates have been growing exponentially in the country since the first reported case of an infected Filipino in San Juan. COVID-19 has been spreading in the country rapidly since then, with an estimate of reaching 26,000 cases by the end of March, if not contained. This is according to a news network in the Philippines, who based the computation to the current trend of infected cases in the country, which doubles every two days.

To potentially control the spread, the government announced an Enhanced Community Quarantine in Luzon forcing its citizens to stay in their houses up to April 15, 2020. As citizens stuck in our houses, what could we do to fight the virus amongst ourselves? Here are some prevention tips we could do at home.

Stay Hydrated

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The amount of water we intake has a direct effect on the lymphatic system. This system is responsible for transmitting lymp which is carrying white-blood cells that effectively fights infection in the body. This could also help flush out toxins, bacteria, and unwanted viruses in our body.

Eat Healthy Foods

Eat Healthy Foods

Food intake of what is essential and healthy plays a vital role in building up our immune system. A balanced diet with the right amount of vegetables and fruits and staying away from junk foods and any unhealthy stuff can make our body stronger.

Take Vit C Daily

Taking Vitamin C

Vitamin C with at least 500mg to 4000mg can be our alternative if availability of fruits are not available. Our body doesn’t store any vitamin C as it is flushed daily. Therefore, daily intake is vital to sustain our body’s strong immune system.

Wear a Mask

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In wearing a mask, one should avoid touching it while using. After usage, the mask should be removed from behind and disposed of immediately. Also, usage of a single-use mask should be once only. If no masks are available we could also protect ourselves by not touching the eyes, nose, and mouth which are entry ways for the virus.

Exercise Daily

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There are lots of exercises we can do at home such as yoga, pilates, jump rope, trampoline, treadmill. Or if you’re living in a subdivision, you can run around. For those who stay in a condo, you may try using stairs instead of the elevator. Exercise helps to improve circulation in the body. This could make carrying out of antibodies throughout the body more efficient. Thus, exercise improves the immune system.

Stay Under the Sun for 20mins in the Morning (6am to 8am)

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According to the National Institute of Health, depletion of Vitamin D is associated with worsening of the autoimmune system and increased susceptibility to infections. And as many know, we can get Vitamin D from the sunlight.

Wash your Hands for 20 Seconds Whenever Possible

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The proper way to wash hands is approximately 20 seconds. It includes the palms, back of hands, in between fingers, and under the fingernails. This is recommended as the hands are the most exposed to the surroundings.

Sanitize your Hands with At Least 70% Alcohol

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70 percent isopropyl alcohol is the recommended percentage because it could kill most deadly surface pathogens without causing detriment to the skin’s natural moisture. You can even use it to effectively disinfect door knobs, handles, furniture, and the likes.

Keep your Surroundings Clean

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Having a dirty surroundings would promote the growth of certain bacteria as it creates the ideal habitat for proliferation. And so it is advisable to regularly clean and disinfect, most especially, the commonly-touched objects like door knobs and handles.

Practice Social Distancing

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It is recommended to observe the distance of at least 6 feet or 2 meters to lessen the person to person transmission. It would also follow that all should avoid handshakes and other gestures that involve contact. This reminder is applicable when you’re outside doing the grocery or other stuff.

Listen and Follow any Government Mandate

Listen And Follow Any Government Mandate

This is not the best time to criticize the government, rather, this is the best time to show our solidarity and care for each other. We’re talking about lives and so we should all take our part in doing so. Cure for the virus may not be available right now but we can stop it from spreading by staying at home and following the government and just doing what they say. China, right now, is slowly bouncing back and that is because they follow the government in staying at home quarantine.

Let’s take our part in preventing the spread by following the home quarantine guidelines. In times like this, information could take us to successful evasion of this virus.


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