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Protecting Your Mental Health During Quarantine

April 7, 2020
Protecting Your Mental Health During Corona Virus 01

During the month-long lockdown, we are stuck at home. And all around us, there is pandemic, food crisis, and threats on our regular routine. Somewhere along the span of lockdown, we feel certain negative emotions that might cause us stress. But how can we protect our mental health during quarantine? Here are some things you can do at home.

Keep in Touch with Friends and Family

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If you are not with your family right now, keeping in touch with your family and friends might help boost your morale during strenuous times. It is proven that sharing your feelings with someone is an effective coping mechanism of humans. Hence, it is vital to connect with them once a day through online apps or through call.

Stick to Daily Routine

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Having to sleep and wake up at certain times can be beneficial to your overall health. This is because sleep and wake patterns affect the quality of our sleep. In relation to this, having an interrupted sleep is one reason for developing some mental health issues according to The Lancet Psychiatry.

Focus on the Positive

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Look at the little things everyday that make you happy even if at home. May it be the time you have for your family or yourself, the point is, you have the time in your hands. And that’s a positive thing. Because this time, you focus your energy on things that you are “too busy” to work on during your regular work days.

Take Care of your Body

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It goes without saying that we should eat nutritious foods and do home exercises. Even without quarantine, these things are important to have an optimum well-being. And during quarantine, it is especially important. As a healthy body makes a healthy mind.

Limit Media Intake

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Being updated on current news is important, but excessive use of social media, aside from that reason, may have negative effects. Aside from the anxiety and anger that some social media posts exaggerate online, social media has a direct impact on sleep. According to a study by The University of Glasgow, usage of the phone at night makes the brain unprepared for sleep. Hence, people who scroll at night tend to have less quality sleep, thus, affecting their mental health.

Help Others

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Many people choose to give because it creates a sense of ease for them. But for whatever reason it is, giving to others always has its good benefits. May it be happiness, stress reliever, or enhanced self-esteem, the benefits from giving goes both ways. By helping out, you are not only reaching out to the needy but also to your mind and soul.


In a situation full of fear and chaos, be the person who creates positive change on his or her surroundings. You can do this by starting with yourself. A healthy mind creates healthy decisions.


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