The Power of Building Connections
“No man is an island” as cliché as it sounds, it is also as real. This phrase by John Donne is a five-word phrase to explain that human beings do badly in isolation, while they thrive when a part of a community. As human beings, we need others that would introduce us to more opportunity there is for us. Put for instance a painter. A painter cannot sell with only talent and hard work.
He needs an audience, a customer to sell his artworks to. He also needs to build a network of people to reach an audience beyond his immediate circle, and so that each customer would introduce him to a new set of customers. Connections may also mean a helping hand, some paint supplies, or a place to work in. It means having someone give you brushes when you do not know how to make one. And most importantly, a connection is an inspiration.
A painter cannot be a great painter without having someone to look up to. To succeed in what we do, we should learn from someone we aspire to be like, learn how they do it and learn from their mistakes.
How to Build Connections
Here is the process of building a genuine connection to work your business up when just starting it. First, start from your circle. Friends, family, workmates, they are your first customers. Give quality in whatever you want to start and people will eventually hear you. These personal circle that you have will help you sell in a manner that does not even sound like advertising, but more of like recommending a friend or a family.
This would be beneficial to you because new customers would then trust you like how your friend trusted you if you were given a proper introduction. Second, reach a bigger audience by using social media. Online advertising could take you places. With the right advertising, you will not only reach potential customers but also reach people in the same industry as you are. Later, when you have a fair share of connections, maybe it is time to expand your horizons.
Attending seminars, conventions, or group gatherings where people with the same interest as you would most likely attend to. Strike up a conversation. These conversations could open up opportunities in the field you want to excel in.
How to Keep Them
There are three important things you need to remember when working with people. First, spend time with them. Whether they are customers, employees, or people connected to the business you are in, there is nothing more valuable than time. The personal connection you have built with them would help you in the long run.
When you connect with these people at a personal level, you will not only gain insights from their perspective but also gain their loyalty. Second is appreciation. A simple thank you or commending of their work could make a day. Remember that when people are appreciated, you are reinforcing them to keep doing good. And third, put in mind that the connection is two-sided. People would be much more willing to help when they know that you are a person they can count on. Remember that in a connection, “It takes two sides to build a bridge.”