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Top 5 Plant Choices for New Plant Parents

September 18, 2020
Top 5 Plant Choices For New Plant Parents 01

Plant caring may be one of the most underrated hobbies in the world. It does not only kill time as a hobby but is also therapeutic and makes cleaner air. Because of these, many are getting into horticulture to get the best from nature. If you are a new plant parent, this list is for you.

Snake Plant (Sanseveria)

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Sanseveria plant is a common plant used in interior design. The reason why it is common is because of the little conditions needed in maintaining it. It could survive on most temperatures and could live off of neglect. It could live without water for about 2 to 3 weeks. It is easy to propagate, which makes it a favorite for landscape designers.

Things that could kill its overwatering and extremely cold temperatures. Although, other than those two, new plant parents don’t need to worry much about snake plants.

Corn Plant (Fortune Plant)

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Corn plants originated from Africa. It is more popularly called Fortune Plant in the Philippines because of the superstition related to its flowering. It is believed that if a Fortune plant blooms under your care, financial good luck will come after it.

Perhaps, maybe because of this belief that made it popular amongst the first-time plant parents. Although, it may also be contributed to the easy maintenance of this plant. Watering is as seldom as once every one to two weeks.

Sensation Plant

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This big lush plant with dark leaves is one of the most aesthetically pleasing plants in the market today. Because modern homes at the present are usually light-colored and provide nonfunctional spaces as design, Sensation Plant is the best fit for it. Having a sensation plant in modern homes would provide contrast and fill to the unused space.

This plant is a great indoor plant as it can tolerate low light places, although, moderate light would be much preferable.

Philodendron Selloum (Hope)

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This weirdly-shaped plant could turn any home into a tropical-styled resthouse. It has large dark green leaves that flourish best in a moderately lighted space.

To care for this plant, it is advised to match the amount of water with the amount of sunlight the plant receives. Under a low light space, watering should only be seldom as its roots are more prone to rotting.


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This plant is more commonly seen in bathrooms and offices. It could live in a wide variety of environments including those that have the minimum of light entering like bathroom windows. In low lighted rooms, it could lose its variegated yellow patches and turn into dark green to adapt to its environment.

This plant could either live on soil or on water alone. Although interesting enough, if a pothos plant was planted on the water it would have a hard time adapting to soil and vise versa.

Having to care for a plant might sound elementary. But believe it or not, a plant would die on you without proper research. Because each plant species has a different origin, thus, should receive different treatment. Put in mind that overwatering kills more than underwatering.

Looking for more indoor plants? Check out our Instagram page at Oh Leaf PH.

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