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Toxic Positivity in the Time of Crisis

March 28, 2020
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What is toxic positivity and why we don’t need it now?

Recent events have made us anxious, scared, and angry altogether. Even with the shackles of lockdown, social media gives us a picture of reality in our homes that makes us feel frustrated of the current situation and/or leadership. And no one wants negative emotions. Hence, during strenuous situations, such as this, some masks the negative. Thus, the birth of toxic positivity.

What is Toxic Positivity

Toxic positivity is allowing only positivity for oneself or anyone around even if it is not appropriate. Having such a mindset could lead to the rejection or denial of all other negative emotions that are important to have a worthwhile human experience.

Thinking Positively vs Toxic Positivity

Sayings like, “look on the bright side”, “think positive”, and “it’s gonna be okay,” have negative connotations depending on circumstances. It is part of human experience to feel negative emotions. And invalidating certain emotions prohibits the creation of sound judgment. So instead of saying those lines try saying, “I understand you are at your lowest point but you came through before, so you can this time” or any other line that affirms understanding of the current situation.

Effect of Toxic Positivity During Crisis

Crises are challenges that come once in a while that are different from the status quo. And different problems require different solutions. These crises create feelings of tension that promote creativity for better solutions. By having toxic positivity during times like this, one is masking the feelings of tension. Thus, prevents us from forming creative solutions.

There is a fine line between positivity and denial. And in this time crisis, what we need is to separate the two.

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