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Watch Out For These Red Flags At Work

July 21, 2020
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“If you’re passionate about your work, It makes the people around you want to be involved too,”

Wanda Sykes

A study done at Tel Aviv University found that coworkers have a greater effect on the employees’ mental health than the boss is. No matter how dedicated we are with our work. No matter how much talent, time, and effort, we give our work, when we are surrounded by negativity in our work environment–negativity eventually sips through us. That is why the saying, “When you can’t change the people around you, choose the people around you.” Although can we choose our workmates? Here listed are some of the red flags in the work social environment that we need to watch out.

Workmates Who Complain A Lot

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These employees do nothing well but contribute to the negativity by complaining. They may complain about the management (work schedule, workspace) or the most trivial things like the coffee maker. Voicing out feelings or thoughts at work is healthy, but there are proper ways and time to do so.

Bullying in the Workplace

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There’s a fine line between roasting-for-fun’s-sake remark and bullying. However it was done, verbal, emotional, and/or physical, we should not tolerate all forms of bullying. There’s a study that says that employees are much more likely to quit their jobs that have a bullying environment even if they are not directly involved. This just means that bullying in the workplace creates fear and social separation.

Workmates Who Steal Credit

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We all want to be recognized for our ideas and work effort but that doesn’t mean that we should go to the extent of stealing the credit. As our COO, Mike Kingsu said, “Reward feels good only when you worked hard for it.” And we can’t be proud of ourselves if we know deep down that the credit should be for someone else.


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Any conflict, including backstabbing, creates a divide in the social environment at work. And to break the common belief of Filipinos–backstabbing is not a gender issue. Many, including men, are doing this practice, most of the time, unconsciously. We should be conscious of whether what we are saying about others is based on our prejudices.

Workmates Who Don’t Listen to Other’s Opinion

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Being listened to creates trust, and when people feel trusted, it creates autonomy. This autonomy is the backbone of creative ideas. Just by being listened to, we feel confident to share our ideas.

Sadly, however vigilant the management is, some of these factors still do exist. This may be accredited to factors like age-difference, physical environment, educational attainment, and gender. That’s why at The Lead Realty, we foster an environment that listens. And see them not as employees but as people.


We are looking for passionate individuals who aspire to work in a determined and goal-oriented environment. Contact us at

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