Why Maturity Makes the Best Leaders
Leaders transpire from the most popular to the most intelligent during the younger years. But once in a while, great leaders stand out. These leaders are not really the smartest or the most popular of them all. These leaders have a unique trait—and that is Maturity.
So what are the traits of a mature leader?
Eagerness to Learn
There is an eagerness to learn things not familiar to them. This first step of maturity is knowing that as humans, there are many things that we do not know. And so a great leader will try to seek guidance and help from subordinates especially on the things that he or she does not know.
Not taking things personally is a sign of maturity at work. Disputes usually arise with people working together especially when under pressure. It is important to communicate disputes however trivial it may be to lessen the chances of it growing. Leaders make sure to keep the stress within the limits of the workplace.
As a leader, taking responsibility for the group is an important factor that builds respect and trust from the people. Leaders should be aware and relevant. Being considerate of the team and having flexible judgments on different circumstances are some of the responsibilities of a leader. Thus, when problems arise everything goes back to the leadership.
To answer the question, why maturity makes the best leader, here is the process of what a maturing leader goes through that helps him or her make the best decisions.
The Five Stages of Leadership Maturity
The first stage is Confident Ability. This is the stage where leaders stop seeking approval from people and start doing things creatively and uniquely based on their own judgment. Being stuck on this stage meant having to seek approval from time to time which leads to having conventional and predictable decisions.
The second stage is the Egocentric Satisfaction Stage. This is the stage where the leader realizes that he or she needs the help of other people to survive. He or she adjusts to this by conforming or changing the rules according to his needs. Getting stuck at this stage might make an opportunist leader who “uses” people to get his or her personal desires.
The third stage is the Personal Differentiation Stage. At this stage, the leader embraces his or her own uniqueness in other to stand out in this world. He or she seeks to have his own voice and be distinguished in his or her field. Maladaptation of this stage meant being too proud to believe that he or she is indispensable.
The fourth stage is the Communality Stage. In this stage, the leader realizes that making a legacy is bigger than himself. He cannot achieve something great without the help of other people and so the leader recognizes the importance of his group by putting the group in the center instead of himself.
The final stage is a Higher Calling. This is where the leader goes beyond the visions and objectives of the group but into a higher set of purpose and meaning.
All in all, maturity is a crucial tool in leadership. It helps strengthen the relationships with people, helps make prudent decisions, and inspires the team to do great things.
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