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“Manly” Indoor Plants for the King of the House

June 18, 2020
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Unique Gift Idea for our Dads this Father’s Day

Watch, bottle opener, and mug with “World’s Greatest Dad” on it are the all-time winners for the common gift on Father’s Day. Why not try to step-up the game by surprising the cool dads out there with cool and unique plants? Because real cool dads are not only barbeque and sports fanatics, but also a man with a green thumb. Check out some of the “manly” plant ideas you can give your special man on Father’s Day.


Yucca Plant

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As sturdy as our dads, this indoor plant looks and stands like a tree. Under the right conditions, specific species of Yucca Plant could grow to up to 30 feet. It has sharp-looking edges on its dark leaves perfect for light background homes. These unusually looking plants are popular amongst homeowners who like to make free-spaces interesting.

Just remember that Yucca Plants is very prone to over-watering. Checking on the soil’s moisture could help determine if watering is needed or not.

Snake Plant

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A father is the toughest person in a child’s eye. And for that one person who carried the family on his shoulders, an equally strong plant is a perfect gift this coming father’s day.

The Snake plant is as tough and bold as it looks. It could survive in most places with minimal maintenance needed. They could survive dry climates and could go without water for about 2 to 3 weeks. It is one of the few plants that are not particular in the amount of sunlight. Snake Plants could tolerate low light to bright light.

Areca Palm

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Areca Palm is popular amongst tropical design enthusiasts and interior designers. Not only does it increase the aesthetics of the room, but it also gives calming effects. It is beneficial for working dads to relieve the stress from the everyday hard work.

The key to taking care of Areca Palm is to provide the right amount of sunlight to prevent the leaves from turning yellow.

Corn Plant (Fortune Plant)

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This plant stands tall and upright, just like how our dads are to us. Both of which stand unwavering to whatever challenges they face. 

Starting from a cutting, it could grow to a brand new striving plant. It is said that this plant rarely bears flowers but when it does, fortune awaits the home where it lives. This plant reminds us of how our dads face the challenges that go with our upbringing. Truly, the blooming of this plant is just like the fruits of our fathers’ hard work.

Rubber Plant

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Rubber plants have been a favorite house plant a few decades ago and still making a statement in every home interior. With the right amount of water and sunlight, a rubber plant could grow up to 15 meters high.

Rubber plants remind us of how our dads bounced back like rubber in any struggle just so he could provide for his family.

To some, plants may not be their Dad’s thing but we are all equally benefiting from it whether we planted the seeds or not. Just like plants, a Dad doesn’t tell you that he loves you, he shows you. Show your Dad your love by giving him these simple gifts.

Looking for more plant gift ideas? Check out our Instagram page at Oh Leaf PH.

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